CCW Kids Midweek Recap
CCW Kids Midweek Recap!
Simple Truth: I Am Known
Theme Verse: “God is greater than our hearts, and he knows all things.” (1 John 3:20b)
Theme: Real Talk
Session 1: God Knows My Real Thoughts
Bible Story: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14)
CCW Kids Families,
This September, we are going to have some Real Talk as we teach kids the Simple Truth, “I Am Known.” God knows everything about us. Kids will learn that God knows their real thoughts, real mistakes, real feelings, and real fears. At the end of month, we will have a special Game Changer session where we will teach kids how God values them. We can’t wait to help kids learn how Jesus and His love changes the game!
Our Bible story this week came from Luke 18:9-14. Jesus told a story about two men praying in the temple. The Pharisee, a religious leader, was proud and thought he was impressive. The tax collector, who was looked down upon in that culture, prayed with humility and recognized his need for God. We can learn in this story that God knows and cares about our real thoughts. We need His forgiveness, which is why He sent Jesus.
This week, look through family pictures. Draw attention to photos associated with certain memories and experiences. Ask your kids, “Do you know what I was thinking then?” After they guess, share your answer. Remind your kids that God knows their real thoughts all the time. He loves them and knows what they really need, which is why He sent Jesus.
Highlight of the Week
Session 1: God Knows My Real Thoughts
Read: Luke 18:9-14
Highlight: Luke 18:14b
Reflect: In what area can you humble yourself and ask God to help with your thoughts?
Pray: God, You know everything about me, including my thoughts. Help me to turn my thoughts to You and allow You to work in me to have thoughts that honor You.
Connect: How have you seen your thoughts impact your words, actions, and attitudes? How do you think honoring God with your thoughts can make a difference?
Theme Verse: “God is greater than our hearts, and he knows all things.” (1 John 3:20b)
Theme: Real Talk
Session 1: God Knows My Real Thoughts
Bible Story: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14)
CCW Kids Families,
This September, we are going to have some Real Talk as we teach kids the Simple Truth, “I Am Known.” God knows everything about us. Kids will learn that God knows their real thoughts, real mistakes, real feelings, and real fears. At the end of month, we will have a special Game Changer session where we will teach kids how God values them. We can’t wait to help kids learn how Jesus and His love changes the game!
Our Bible story this week came from Luke 18:9-14. Jesus told a story about two men praying in the temple. The Pharisee, a religious leader, was proud and thought he was impressive. The tax collector, who was looked down upon in that culture, prayed with humility and recognized his need for God. We can learn in this story that God knows and cares about our real thoughts. We need His forgiveness, which is why He sent Jesus.
This week, look through family pictures. Draw attention to photos associated with certain memories and experiences. Ask your kids, “Do you know what I was thinking then?” After they guess, share your answer. Remind your kids that God knows their real thoughts all the time. He loves them and knows what they really need, which is why He sent Jesus.
Highlight of the Week
Session 1: God Knows My Real Thoughts
Read: Luke 18:9-14
Highlight: Luke 18:14b
Reflect: In what area can you humble yourself and ask God to help with your thoughts?
- When I have thoughts of bitterness and unforgiveness
- When I have thoughts of worry and anxiety
- When I have thoughts of doubt and insecurity
Pray: God, You know everything about me, including my thoughts. Help me to turn my thoughts to You and allow You to work in me to have thoughts that honor You.
Connect: How have you seen your thoughts impact your words, actions, and attitudes? How do you think honoring God with your thoughts can make a difference?
Posted in CCW Kids
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