CCW Kids Midweek Recap
CCW Kids Midweek Recap!
Session 1: God Shows Us Himself through His World
Bible Story: God Created the World (Genesis 1–2, Psalm 8)
CCW Kids Families,
This month, our theme is Mission Possible, and we are so excited to learn about the truth, “I Am Meant to Know God.” We will learn about this truth by focusing on four different ways that God shows us Himself: through His world, His Word, His Son, and His people! This week, we looked at Genesis 1-2 and Psalm 8 to remind kids how God created the entire world. When we see God's creation all around us, we can see how it reflects His creativity, His intentionality, His attention to detail, and how He designed everything to work together. One of the ways we can know who God is and what He’s like is through His creation. Spend time this week to celebrate all that God has made. Go outside and marvel at His creation, talking about the special and amazing ways that the things of our world were hand crafted by God Himself. And share that He’s that intentional and creative with each of us as well.
Simple Truth: I Am Meant to Know God
Theme Verse: “The LORD is God; there is no other besides him.” (Deuteronomy 4:35b)
Theme: Mission Possible
Bible Story: God Created the World (Genesis 1–2, Psalm 8)
CCW Kids Families,
This month, our theme is Mission Possible, and we are so excited to learn about the truth, “I Am Meant to Know God.” We will learn about this truth by focusing on four different ways that God shows us Himself: through His world, His Word, His Son, and His people! This week, we looked at Genesis 1-2 and Psalm 8 to remind kids how God created the entire world. When we see God's creation all around us, we can see how it reflects His creativity, His intentionality, His attention to detail, and how He designed everything to work together. One of the ways we can know who God is and what He’s like is through His creation. Spend time this week to celebrate all that God has made. Go outside and marvel at His creation, talking about the special and amazing ways that the things of our world were hand crafted by God Himself. And share that He’s that intentional and creative with each of us as well.
Simple Truth: I Am Meant to Know God
Theme Verse: “The LORD is God; there is no other besides him.” (Deuteronomy 4:35b)
Theme: Mission Possible
Posted in CCW Kids
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