CCW Kids Sunday Recap
Jesus Gave His Followers a Mission
(Acts 1)
Dear CCW Kids families,
Sunday's passage was found in the first chapter of the book of Acts. Although Jesus’ time on earth was coming to an end, He promised to leave for His followers a special Helper and Guide. God fulfilled His promise to remain with us, and through the gift of the Holy Spirit, He also provided the power to accomplish the mission of His church.
What was Jesus’ overall mission for His church? Better yet, how were the apostles supposed to accomplish this feat in Christ’s absence?
Jesus’ departure meant great uncertainty for His people. He proclaimed the restoration of God’s kingdom, but His apostles could not seem to recognize His power at work. Though they requested a timeline for their troubles, the Lord directed their attention away from the passage of earthly time and instead toward the power of His Holy Spirit.
As He did with His early followers, the Lord has called us to be witnesses of His good news to the world. He may not give us the answer to every one of our questions, but He does give us the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim His good news with our words and actions. From Judea to Samaria, near and far, there is no place His power and purpose cannot reach. Knowing we lack the ability to do His will on our own, He provided His Holy Spirit to aid us on this mission. Jesus even declared in John 16:7 that it is better that He leave us and grant us the Spirit’s power in His place.
As you talk with your kids this week, consider the truth that the Holy Spirit has already provided us the strength needed to witness to the next generation of Christ followers. While we may not understand His timing or plans, we can trust in His ability to provide what is needed to do His will. Help your class see that the Holy Spirit empowers us to face life’s uncertainties and to live on mission for His kingdom, leading others to place their trust in the God who provides all we need.
Check out The Gospel Project At Home for resources designed to help you lead a family worship experience as well as suggestions for morning and evening prayer times and family activities.
This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.
This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.
This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.
This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.
- Babies & Toddlers: Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us while we wait for Jesus to come again.
- Younger Preschool: Jesus left earth and returned to heaven, but He did not leave us alone. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us do God’s work on earth while we wait for Jesus to come again.
- Older Preschool: Jesus left earth and returned to heaven, but He did not leave us alone. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us do God’s work on earth while we wait for Jesus to come back and make everything new.
- Kids: Jesus left earth and returned to heaven, but He did not leave us alone. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and help us do God’s work. One day, Jesus will return to make all things new and to rule as Lord over all.
This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.
- Younger Preschool: How does the Holy Spirit help Christians? The Holy Spirit helps us as we live.
- Older Preschool: How does the Holy Spirit help Christians? The Holy Spirit comforts us, shows us our sin, and guides us as we live for God’s glory.
- Kids: How does the Holy Spirit help Christians? The Holy Spirit comforts us, shows us our sin, and guides us as we live for God’s glory.
This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.
- Babies & Toddlers: God’s Spirit helps us be like Jesus. Galatians 5:22
- Younger Preschool: God's Spirit gives us love, joy, and peace like Jesus. Galatians 5:22
- Older Preschool: The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23
- Kids: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things. Galatians 5:22-23
Posted in CCW Kids
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