Day 10
The Gospel & Daniel
The book of Daniel shows the importance of resolve, obedience, humility, and faithfulness in the lives of God’s followers. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were threatened with death if they chose to remain obedient to God instead of submitting to the king. Choosing God over the world may not get us thrown in a fiery furnace or lions’ den but it may still result in earthly consequences. Our prestige or financial wealth may suffer. Climbing our way up the corporate ladder may be more difficult. Thriving in some social circles may not work because of our different values for conduct and character. It’s true we may not reach overflowing earthly success if we commit to letting God direct our paths instead of a win at all costs mentality. If you are content in those circumstances then you likely have the resolve to be obedient to God no matter the consequences. You are probably humble enough to believe wholeheartedly in 1 Corinthians 1:31 that says let the one who boasts boast in the Lord. You likely will also have a faith that can’t be explained. As Daniel faced the lions’ den and as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced the fiery furnace the Bible does not speak of any hesitation on their part. Their faith was not found in a king or even their own lives, but in the one and only true God. What a goal for us to have a faith that produces, as Philippians 4 says, a peace in us that surpasses all understanding.
By: Jason Neeley
By: Jason Neeley
Posted in 2025 21 Days
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