Pastor Rick Wright's Update

Have you ever received a meal, a card in the mail, a surprising gift, a blessing out of the blue?  Do you remember how you felt when someone who didn't have to, did something that made you feel their care?  God blessed my wife with the gift of hospitality and she loves to share it by cooking and serving meals. Because of that gift, I have been afforded the opportunity to share with many the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ!

In Mark 6, we see a beautifully sensitive side of Jesus, as He is moved with compassion for the crowd.  He miraculously, with hardly any supplies, feeds a large crowd  leaving them overflowing with blessings.   Jesus and His disciples served a physical need that opened the door to the spiritual.  Are you looking for a need to feed?

Join us this week at 10AM for Pastor Rick's sermon "The Gospel Feeds"
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