Pastor Rick Wright's Update
"That was the last straw."
"I've had as much as I can handle."
"I'm at the end of the rope."
Have you ever felt what these phrases convey? In 1 Kings 19, Elijah, the mighty prophet of God gets to that point. He is on the run - running from Jezebel, running from God, and running on empty. I love this passage because if Elijah can get to that point it encourages all of us when circumstances are draining.
Elijah learns a big life lesson that sometimes we have to stand still. God's voice to Elijah was not in a fire, earthquake, or wind; it was in a still, small whisper.
"I've had as much as I can handle."
"I'm at the end of the rope."
Have you ever felt what these phrases convey? In 1 Kings 19, Elijah, the mighty prophet of God gets to that point. He is on the run - running from Jezebel, running from God, and running on empty. I love this passage because if Elijah can get to that point it encourages all of us when circumstances are draining.
Elijah learns a big life lesson that sometimes we have to stand still. God's voice to Elijah was not in a fire, earthquake, or wind; it was in a still, small whisper.
Posted in Church Blog
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