CCW Kids Midweek Recap

CCW Kids Midweek Recap!

Session 4: God Controls the Future
Bible Story: Paul and Silas in Prison (Acts 16:16-40)

CCW Kids Families,

We finished up Unshakable this week, your kids learned about Paul and Silas in prison from a story in Acts 16. Through this story we will remember the truth that God controls the future.Paul andSilas are such great examples of what it looks like to praise God in the hard moments. They didn’t know if they would ever get out of prison, but they trusted that God was in control. It can be difficult to trust God in the hard and unknown times. Take time this week to talk with your kids and to share what feels hard. Take a moment to pray specifically for those things.

Simple Truth: I Am Secure
Theme Verse: “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)
Theme: Unshakable
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