Posts with the category “ccw-kids”

CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on July 9th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families,In Acts 22–23, Paul must persevere with his trust in Jesus as he faces the dangers prophesied for him in Jerusalem head-on. Though the Jews planned evil against him, God planned it for good, to bring about the message of salvation to those who were waiting to hear it in Rome. What was the basis of the Jews’ argument and plot against Paul? How do we see the Lord fulfilling th...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on June 24th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families,Romans 15 highlights Paul’s heart for sharing the gospel and seeing it permeate the hearts of all who may hear of it and grow from it. The apostle shared the light of Jesus with Christ followers in Rome, that they would lean into their purpose of glorifying God and growing in their knowledge and love for Him. What issues were the believers in Rome fighting against? How did P...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap Copy
by Eli Alexander on June 17th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families,This session, we read of Paul’s determination to extend Christ’s invitation of faith to non-believers and to deepen the faith of those who were believers. No part of this third missionary journey proved to be easy. Even still, Paul knew his purpose was to proclaim the gospel to all who would listen, testifying to the grace he’d so freely received. What propelled Paul forward...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on June 3rd, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families,As Paul and Barnabas began seeing both Jew and Gentile lives changed by the gospel, their work in planting churches and discipling believers faced a new problem: a false gospel of works. Today’s Bible passage poses two big questions: Firstly, how exactly are people saved from their sins? Secondly, aren’t works an important part of our lives as believers? The answer to the sa...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on May 28th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, One theme Paul wrote about in the book of 2 Corinthians is the forgiveness of God through Jesus Christ. He shared of his own need for reconciliation with God and how he—like us—had been tasked with taking part in the Lord's ministry of reconciliation. Being a part of God’s family means bringing others into His kingdom, too. How can anyone be forgiven of their sins? What doe...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on May 13th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, The Acts 9 story of how Saul of Tarsus came to be a follower of Jesus is a widely known passage that reveals an essential truth for us as believers: God has the power to transform the hearts and lives of anyone who places their faith in Him. The power of the Holy Spirit changes us from the inside out, and the same Lord who transformed Saul causes us to walk in new life when...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on May 9th, 2024
Session 1: We Can Tell the WorldBible Story: Jesus Said, “Go” (Matthew 28)CCW Kids Families, As we begin the month, we are going to share the Simple Truth, “I Am Here to Share Jesus” through the Bible story of the Great Commission in Matthew 28. This week kids learned that, in sharing Jesus, we can tell the world about Him! The love and life found in Jesus is good news for everyone everywhere, and...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on May 6th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, The twelfth chapter of Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth is known for its role in encouraging the church body toward unity. Steering us away from division and partiality, this passage reminds us that we each have a role to play in Christ’s mission of sharing the gospel. Our differences can serve to strengthen us, if only we walk together in obedience to Jesus' mission ...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on May 2nd, 2024
Session 3: I Can Stand UpBible Story: Saul's Conversion (Acts 9)CCW Kids Families, This was our final week of Stand Out and kids learned about Saul, a religious leader who persecuted Christians. Because of Jesus confronting Saul in a radical way, Saul’s life was transformed, and he began sharing the gospel of Jesus instead of persecuting Christians. Saul’s (later called Paul) story reminds us of ...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on April 29th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, Acts 12 tells the story of God’s divine and miraculous rescue of His apostle Peter. While King Herod sought to make an example of Peter, it was God alone who was able to showcase His power and might amidst the persecution of the church. This passage highlights the power of prayer amidst hardship and how God's purposes for His church will prevail despite the futile attempts ...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on April 25th, 2024
Session 3: I Can Stand PatientlyBible Story: John Prepared the Way (Luke 1, 3:1-18)CCW Kids Families, This week, we continued our Stand Out series by learning about John the Baptist. He was chosen by God to prepare the way for Jesus. In Luke 1 we see where God had an incredible call on John’s life—to prepare the way for Jesus, the Messiah. But John had to wait patiently to see it fulfilled. Talk a...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on April 18th, 2024
Session 2: I Can Stand StrongBible Story: Elijah and the Prophets (1 Kings 18)CCW Kids Families, This week, we learned about Elijah and the prophets in 1 Kings 18. Elijah was a prophet of God who stood strong against the prophets of the false god, Baal, and showed everyone the one true God. Elijah called the people to choose who they would serve—to follow God and stand strong for Him. He trusted t...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on April 16th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, The story of Peter’s revelation in Acts 10 reveals a core tenet in the gospel of Jesus Christ: God saves all who come to faith in His Son, regardless of their past, cultural differences, or their upbringing. The gospel is for all people, and it took Peter—just as it will require us today—great humility to see that God shows no favoritism. The ones whom God calls clean are c...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on April 11th, 2024
Session 1: I Can Stand ApartBible Story: Daniel and His Friends Obeyed God (Daniel 1)CCW Kids Families, This April, we are excited to welcome a new theme, Stand Out. Our Simple Truth this month is,“I Am Set Apart.” We want kids to know that God has set us apart and that we’re different because of Him. Each and every one of us is special and valuable. In this first week, we looked at the story of D...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on April 8th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, Peter’s miracles in Acts 9 showcase the power of the Holy Spirit at work within the early church. Though the people who witnessed and heard of these healings and resurrections were amazed and intrigued, Peter did not perform them to wow the crowd or to even illustrate his own strength. Rather, he met people’s needs as a means of demonstrating God’s power at work, that more ...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on April 4th, 2024
Session 5: Jesus Is AliveBible Story: Jesus Is Alive (Matthew 27–28)CCW Kids Families, As we wrapped up our No Limits series, we celebrated Easter and the truth that Jesus is alive by reading Matthew 27–28. This week, include celebrating the Easter story in your family celebrations. You can read aloud the story of Easter from Matthew 28, find a faith-based Easter video for kids online, or invite a...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on March 26th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, The story of the Ethiopian official's baptism began with an angel giving a command to Philip, an apostle of Jesus Christ. Philip's on-the-spot obedience led him to clarify the Scriptures and point the Ethiopian official to Christ. As a result of Philip's desire to live on mission, the Lord provided an opportunity for the gospel to spread further throughout the world. In wha...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on March 21st, 2024
Session 1: God's Love Is PowerfulBible Story: Jesus Raised Lazarus (John 11)CCW Kids Families, As we continued in our No Limit series, we looked at the miraculous story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11. Through this story, we want the kids to learn that God’s love is powerful! Before you begin your school day or drop off your kids, remind them that God’s love is big and powerful! ...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on March 18th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, Acts 6 and 7 detail the story of Stephen, the first follower of Jesus martyred for his unwavering boldness in proclaiming Jesus as Lord. Despite the rejection Stephen faced, he remained firm in his gospel witness to those in the Sanhedrin. Recounting the stories of the Old Testament, Stephen declared God’s faithfulness to bring the Messiah into the world, even through the r...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on March 11th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, Acts 6 relays a time when a complaint within the church led to an opportunity for delegation and good deeds. As the apostles continued spreading the word of Jesus and His resurrection, more people began to believe the good news and the church grew in number. Amid this growth, the task of caring for the Hellenistic widows was being neglected. How did the apostles handle this...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on March 7th, 2024
Session 1: God's Love Never Gives UpBible Story: The Lost Son (Luke 15)CCW Kids Families, This week we started a new theme and a new truth! In No Limit, kids will learn the truth “I Am Loved.” This week we looked at the story of the lost son from Luke 15 and learned how God’s love never gives up. There is no limit to God’s love for us. Have fun with your kids this week testing different “limits.” ...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on March 4th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, In Acts 5, we find the apostles performing many signs and wonders through the power and grace they received from the Holy Spirit. The healing power of the Holy Spirit displayed through Peter, in particular, was so compelling that people laid the sick in the path of his shadow. United in purpose, the apostles also continued their mission to share the gospel with those around...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on February 29th, 2024
Session 4: God Shows Us Himself through His PeopleBible Story: The Unknown God (Acts 17)CCW Kids Families, Yesterday marked our last session of Mission Possible! As we wrapped up, we looked at how God shows us Himself through His people. We learned about how Paul shared the gospel boldly among the people of Athens in Acts 17. We can help people know God by sharing His story with those around us! W...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on February 26th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, Paul’s letter to believers in Rome serves as one of the Bible’s clearest examples of evangelism. The words of Romans 10 bring us back to the essence of gospel truth: we must place our faith in Jesus to receive salvation from sin. However, in order to receive the gospel, we must first hear its words. From this essential truth, we find our mission as the church. What does it...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on February 22nd, 2024
Session 3: God Shows Us Himself through His SonBible Story: Jesus and Nicodemus (John 3)CCW Kids Families, With Mission Possible this week, we learned about how God shows us Himself through His Son. God sent His one and only Son–Jesus–to show us how to live and to teach us about God. As Nicodemus asked Jesus hard questions about the kingdom of God in John 3, Jesus shows us who He is and who God is...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on February 19th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, One of Scripture’s most prominent warnings against false motives comes to us in Acts 5: the story of Ananias and Sapphira. Amid the church’s unity and generosity in the previous chapter, the husband and wife’s scheme stands in stark contrast. Though this couple sought to appear generous before others, the Holy Spirit unveiled their treachery so that the church could remain ...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on February 12th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families,In Acts 4, we encounter Peter’s Spirit-led boldness and the religious leaders’ inability to stop the gospel’s power at work. Despite the danger they faced, the church remained steadfast in their prayers and proclamations, being filled with the courage and conviction that would become their legacy.What truths did the early church cling to amidst such great persecution and per...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on February 8th, 2024
Session 1: God Shows Us Himself through His WorldBible Story: God Created the World (Genesis 1–2, Psalm 8)CCW Kids Families, This month, our theme is Mission Possible, and we are so excited to learn about the truth, “I Am Meant to Know God.” We will learn about this truth by focusing on four different ways that God shows us Himself: through His world, His Word, His Son, and His people! This week, ...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on February 5th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, Peter’s healing and preaching in Acts 3 revealed the Holy Spirit’s power at work. Through both word and deed, Peter and John committed themselves to the all-encompassing mission of the gospel—that all they said and did would point back to the truth of Christ as Messiah. What deeper meaning can we glean from this healing in Acts 3? How did this miracle reveal Jesus’s identit...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on February 1st, 2024
Session 4: God Controls the FutureBible Story: Paul and Silas in Prison (Acts 16:16-40)CCW Kids Families,We finished up Unshakable this week, your kids learned about Paul and Silas in prison from a story in Acts 16. Through this story we will remember the truth that God controls the future.Paul andSilas are such great examples of what it looks like to praise God in the hard moments. They didn’t kn...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on January 29th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families,The latter portions of Acts 2 relay the Holy Spirit’s transformational work within not only the apostle Peter’s life but also in the lives of thousands of new believers in Jerusalem. In what could have been a somber retelling of herd mentality gone wrong, we instead read of the power of the Holy Spirit at work within the life of Peter to bring life transformation to thousand...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on January 22nd, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, Today’s passage from Galatians illustrates the Holy Spirit’s power in Christ followers’ lives. Written by the apostle Paul to the non-Jewish congregation in Galatia, this letter outlines the importance of pursuing righteousness by faith as opposed to the works of the flesh. How are believers today at risk of pursuing legalism or lawlessness rather than the love of God just ...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on January 18th, 2024
Session 2: God Controls My Story Bible Story: Esther (Esther 1–8) CCW Kids Families,This week, your kids  learned that God controls our story. We looked at Esther and her incredible story of faith and obedience. God placed her in a special place to help save His people. Think about your own story and times when God put you in a specific place for a specific reason — even if you didn’t know it at t...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on January 16th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, In Acts 2, we find the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise from Acts 1:8. Jesus' followers devoted themselves to one another and to His mission, and we can observe their unity in the first verse of this passage. They experienced the power of the Holy Spirit together as a church body unified by more than mere proximity. What was the significance of the Holy Spirit’s arrival on the...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on January 9th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families, In the latter half of Acts 1, Jesus’ eleven disciples were at a turning point in their ministry. Jesus had ascended to heaven, and His followers recognized the gap Judas left. They came together, united in mission and motive as they waited for the promised Holy Spirit. How did the disciples take their next step without Christ’s physical presence guiding them like before? To...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on January 2nd, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families,Sunday's passage was found in the first chapter of the book of Acts. Although Jesus’ time on earth was coming to an end, He promised to leave for His followers a special Helper and Guide. God fulfilled His promise to remain with us, and through the gift of the Holy Spirit, He also provided the power to accomplish the mission of His church. What was Jesus’ overall mission for...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on December 18th, 2023
CCW Kids Families, Yesterday's passage from Matthew 28 is referred to as “The Great Commission.” We see here that the resurrected Jesus purposely brought His eleven disciples together to receive the invitation and instruction they would need to fulfill the Father’s will. God’s overall plan for His creation has always been that they would know Him and lead others to know Him, too. What was the sign...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on December 14th, 2023
CCW Kids Families, This week in CCW Kids we celebrated our Christmas party! We worshipped, read the Christmas story from Luke 2, decorated gingerbread houses, and watched A Charlie Brown Christmas! It is our prayer that your family would be able to enjoy time together this holiday season, and that you would be able to cherish the reason for the season, Jesus's birth! ANNOUNCEMENTS:December 20 - N...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on December 11th, 2023
CCW Kids Families, Toward the end of John 20, we find the disciples gathered, only a week after the discovery of the empty tomb. Word of His resurrection had already begun circulating, and Jesus even made Himself known to some followers. At this point in the story, we read of Thomas’ response when faced with the news of Jesus’s resurrected life. What lessons can we learn from Thomas’ doubt? Why di...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on December 7th, 2023
CCW Kids Families,This week in Light the Night, your kids  learned “God Comforts Me.” God sent angels to Joseph and Mary to tell them about the birth of Jesus and comfort them in their fear and confusion. He comforts us, too! This week, wrap up in cozy blankets and sit close together with your family. Talk about the things that bring you comfort. Then talk about how God comforts us. Consider shari...  Read More