CCW Kids Sunday Recap
Peter Healed a Man (Acts 3)
Dear CCW Kids families,
Peter’s healing and preaching in Acts 3 revealed the Holy Spirit’s power at work. Through both word and deed, Peter and John committed themselves to the all-encompassing mission of the gospel—that all they said and did would point back to the truth of Christ as Messiah.
What deeper meaning can we glean from this healing in Acts 3? How did this miracle reveal Jesus’s identity as the promised Messiah?
The man carried to the temple’s gate desired to receive something generous from Peter and John that afternoon; however, he did not expect to be walking around and worshiping God by the day’s end. It seemed that all those gathered around the temple likewise did not expect a miracle to occur in the life of this middle-aged man, as evidenced by their astonishment in this passage.
Though these disciples did not have money to give to this man in need, they did possess something of even greater value—faith in the name and person of Jesus Christ. They refused to withhold this power from the man, convicted of the importance of living on mission for the gospel. More than just doing good deeds before others, they knew the priority of proclaiming Jesus’ truth before them all, so that the man and the onlookers might find restoration in Christ’s name, too.
The significance of the man’s ability to not only walk but to leap cannot be understated. The prophet Isaiah declared such a miracle would stem from the Messiah’s power. (Isaiah 35:6) What was true then is still true today: God is restoring all things, and this healing further represented His ability to remedy our greatest need for salvation. This man was raised to walk again by the same power that raised Christ from the dead.
As you prepare to talk with your kids about Acts 3, reflect on the Holy Spirit’s power at work within Peter. This disciple who denied Christ went on to empower others to repent of their own denial of the Messiah. The same Spirit who restored and redeemed this apostle has empowered you to declare this same hope to the children in your home.
Check out The Gospel Project At Home for resources designed to help you lead a family worship experience as well as suggestions for morning and evening prayer times and family activities
This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.
This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.
This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.
This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.
- Babies & Toddlers: The Holy Spirit helps us do God’s plan.
- Younger Preschool: After Jesus went back to heaven, the Holy Spirit gave Jesus’ followers power to help people. With the power of Jesus’ name, Peter healed a man who could not walk.
- Older Preschool: With the power of Jesus’ name, Peter healed a man who could not walk. Peter and John showed God’s power and pointed to a greater, spiritual healing found in Jesus.
- Kids: After Jesus returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit gave the disciples power to begin working. With the power of Jesus’ name, Peter healed a man who was lame. Peter and John showed God’s power and pointed to a greater, spiritual healing found in Jesus.
This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.
- Younger Preschool: Why does God want Christians to tell others about Jesus? We tell others about Jesus so they can know Him and love Him.
- Older Preschool: Why does God command Christians to tell others about Jesus? We tell others about Jesus so they will hear and believe in Him.
- Kids: Why does God command Christians to tell others about Jesus? We tell others about Jesus so they will hear and believe the good news.
This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.
- Babies & Toddlers: Tell others about Jesus. Romans 10:14
- Younger Preschool: We need to tell others about Jesus so they can believe in Him. Romans 10:14
- Older Preschool: How can they believe without hearing about him? And how can they hear without a preacher? Romans 10:14
- Kids: How, then, can they call on him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about him? And how can they hear without a preacher? Romans 10:14
Posted in CCW Kids
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