Day 6
Psalm 23
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine sitting in a pasture beside those still waters. Can you feel that? Peacefulness.
This peace isn’t merely the nonexistence of hard times, but a deeply rooted, abiding restfulness that comes from knowing Jesus and knowing He is our shepherd.
The scripture states that there will be times when we might feel afraid or unsettled. That same scripture also says that the Lord will be with us. He is our comfort and His goodness and mercy will follow us all of our days. Believing in these truths can allow us to truly rest in that peacefulness.
In times where our lives feel chaotic, may we remember the Lord is our peace and to draw near to Him.
By: Sarah Wilson
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine sitting in a pasture beside those still waters. Can you feel that? Peacefulness.
This peace isn’t merely the nonexistence of hard times, but a deeply rooted, abiding restfulness that comes from knowing Jesus and knowing He is our shepherd.
The scripture states that there will be times when we might feel afraid or unsettled. That same scripture also says that the Lord will be with us. He is our comfort and His goodness and mercy will follow us all of our days. Believing in these truths can allow us to truly rest in that peacefulness.
In times where our lives feel chaotic, may we remember the Lord is our peace and to draw near to Him.
By: Sarah Wilson
Posted in 2024 21 Days
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