Day 17
Psalm 121
Asking for help is about the last thing I want to do. It does not come easily to ask for help and sometimes I don't realize how much help I may need in a situation until someone steps in. Or, a task becomes too overwhelming and then the last resort seems to kick in and I am forced to ask for help. That question usually comes with the added statement, "if not, its ok," because I can't seem desperate, right? When really, if I am at that point, I probably am!
God does not desire or plan for us to go through life with this unhealthy attitude, physically or spiritually. That pause in asking for help can be the same in our spiritual life. We believe we can handle something, then it gets too hard or heavy and as a last resort we turn to God, who has been there waiting. Fear, discouragement, feeling like we have no way out or even are unworthy can keep us from calling out to Him. Psalm 33:20 tells us that "Our souls wait for the Lord; He is our help and our shield."
Looking back through my devotions of 2023, I noticed that many days I would write out to the side of what God had given me, either in His Word or my devotional, a simple line starting with "help me." These are just a few:
January 23 - "Help me to know the difference between a good thing and the best thing."
February 17 - "Help me to keep a check on things that I know can bring me down then listen to the Holy Spirit."
August 13 - "Oh Help me to hear in a time of such noise, busyness and distraction. Help me to listen."
October 10 - "Help me to see souls You love and died for in every face I see."
November 23 - "Help me to pray for others when it is hard."
It is easier to ask for God's help when we are in His Word and talking to Him every day. He will shine light on passages that will help us to be more like Him and to depend on Him. Seek help in the smaller things, and the more natural it will be to turn to Christ and lean into Him for the things that can overwhelm us.
Help us, Lord, commit to seeking You daily and resting in the knowledge that you are our Jehovah Ezer, in 2024!
By: Heather Wright
Asking for help is about the last thing I want to do. It does not come easily to ask for help and sometimes I don't realize how much help I may need in a situation until someone steps in. Or, a task becomes too overwhelming and then the last resort seems to kick in and I am forced to ask for help. That question usually comes with the added statement, "if not, its ok," because I can't seem desperate, right? When really, if I am at that point, I probably am!
God does not desire or plan for us to go through life with this unhealthy attitude, physically or spiritually. That pause in asking for help can be the same in our spiritual life. We believe we can handle something, then it gets too hard or heavy and as a last resort we turn to God, who has been there waiting. Fear, discouragement, feeling like we have no way out or even are unworthy can keep us from calling out to Him. Psalm 33:20 tells us that "Our souls wait for the Lord; He is our help and our shield."
Looking back through my devotions of 2023, I noticed that many days I would write out to the side of what God had given me, either in His Word or my devotional, a simple line starting with "help me." These are just a few:
January 23 - "Help me to know the difference between a good thing and the best thing."
February 17 - "Help me to keep a check on things that I know can bring me down then listen to the Holy Spirit."
August 13 - "Oh Help me to hear in a time of such noise, busyness and distraction. Help me to listen."
October 10 - "Help me to see souls You love and died for in every face I see."
November 23 - "Help me to pray for others when it is hard."
It is easier to ask for God's help when we are in His Word and talking to Him every day. He will shine light on passages that will help us to be more like Him and to depend on Him. Seek help in the smaller things, and the more natural it will be to turn to Christ and lean into Him for the things that can overwhelm us.
Help us, Lord, commit to seeking You daily and resting in the knowledge that you are our Jehovah Ezer, in 2024!
By: Heather Wright
Posted in 2024 21 Days
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