CCW Kids Midweek Recap
CCW Kids Midweek Recap!
Session 1: God's Love Never Gives Up
Bible Story: The Lost Son (Luke 15)
CCW Kids Families,
This week we started a new theme and a new truth! In No Limit, kids will learn the truth “I Am Loved.” This week we looked at the story of the lost son from Luke 15 and learned how God’s love never gives up. There is no limit to God’s love for us.
Have fun with your kids this week testing different “limits.” How far can you go in your home and still hear each other? How long can you stare at each other without blinking?How many apples can you stack on top of each other? Every time you test limits, remind your kids thatGod’s love has no limit!
Simple Truth: I Am Loved
Theme Verse: “God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his one and only Son into the world so that we might live through him.” (1 John 4:9)
Theme: No Limit
Bible Story: The Lost Son (Luke 15)
CCW Kids Families,
This week we started a new theme and a new truth! In No Limit, kids will learn the truth “I Am Loved.” This week we looked at the story of the lost son from Luke 15 and learned how God’s love never gives up. There is no limit to God’s love for us.
Have fun with your kids this week testing different “limits.” How far can you go in your home and still hear each other? How long can you stare at each other without blinking?How many apples can you stack on top of each other? Every time you test limits, remind your kids thatGod’s love has no limit!
Simple Truth: I Am Loved
Theme Verse: “God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his one and only Son into the world so that we might live through him.” (1 John 4:9)
Theme: No Limit
Posted in CCW Kids
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