Pastor Rick Wright's Update
In every age, the ministry and miracles of the prominent prophet Elijah have benefited the Church. Elijah shows up out of obscurity and God uses him in dramatic fashion to intervene in a generation, and then sweeps him away in a chariot of fire. In 2024, at CCW we are making a declaration to STAND on the MOUNTAIN in that place we want to meet with the glory, voice, and touch of Almighty God!
In I Kings 17 we are introduced to Elijah, an unknown man headed to an unknown place sent by God to learn how to trust God in practice. Are you practicing trusting God on the drive, at the table, and in the quiet? Standing on the mountain and experiencing the glory of God begins by standing with God in the everyday.
In I Kings 17 we are introduced to Elijah, an unknown man headed to an unknown place sent by God to learn how to trust God in practice. Are you practicing trusting God on the drive, at the table, and in the quiet? Standing on the mountain and experiencing the glory of God begins by standing with God in the everyday.
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