Day 21


Psalm 150

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150:6)

God is good and always worthy of our praise. Take a moment and think about all the good things in your life that God has blessed you with. Yes, your family, friends, home, and job are definitely worthy of praise. Keep counting your blessings and then give God your praise! Have you praised Him for your salvation and the forgiveness of your sins?

Jesus came to this earth and his sole purpose was to die on the cross and save us from our sins. PRAISE HIM! There is so much in our lives that we can praise the Lord for. He loves us when we are unlovable, PRAISE HIM! He provides for our every need, PRAISE HIM! He gives us breath, PRAISE HIM! He gives us the rain and the sun, PRAISE HIM! Not everyone can praise Him for the same things but praise Him for what he has blessed you with.
I can give praise for my wonderful church and church staff that seeks God’s direction. I can give praise for children that I thought Jason and I would never have. I can give praise for a job that I love. I can give praise for the Christian home I was raised in.

There are probably situations in your life that you think are not worthy of praise. Many years ago, I was not praising the Lord for negative results with infertility treatments. Today I am praising the Lord for negative results with infertility treatments!! If we had been successful with the infertility treatments, we might not have considered adoption. What a blessing that didn’t seem like a blessing at the time! There will be rough times and times of doubt but I promise you God has not and will not leave your side! Find the positive in every situation! There will be highs and lows in your Christian walk but find ways to praise the Lord, in EVERY situation.

By: Renae Neeley
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