Pastor Rick Wright's Update
This Sunday is very special as we will gather together for a (Night Of Worship style) Sunday morning service highlighted with Testimony, Blessing, Praying, and Sending our own Pastor Joe and Mikalia Daniels. We are so excited with them as God has swung a wide door of opportunity for them to minister and build the Kingdom of God in Pensacola, Florida.
We will be having a dedication of our new kitchen and sharing a delicious Thanksgiving-style meal together in celebration after the service. Please plan to fellowship with us. It is going to be a great Sunday at CCW worshipping together.
We will be having a dedication of our new kitchen and sharing a delicious Thanksgiving-style meal together in celebration after the service. Please plan to fellowship with us. It is going to be a great Sunday at CCW worshipping together.
Posted in Church Blog
CCW Kids Sunday RecapPastor Rick Wright's UpdateDay 1Day 2CCW Kids Sunday RecapDay 3Day 41Way Students Day 5Pastor Rick Wright's UpdateDay 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10CCW Kids Sunday RecapDay 111Way Students Day 12Pastor Rick Wright's UpdateCCW Kids Midweek RecapDay 13Day 14Day 15CCW Kids Sunday Recap1Way StudentsDay 16Day 17Day 18Pastor Rick Wright's UpdateDay 19Day 20Day 21CCW Kids Sunday Recap1Way Students
CCW Kids Midweek Recap1Way Students CCW Kids Sunday RecapPastor Rick Wright's UpdatePastor Rick Wright's UpdateCCW Kids Midweek Recap1Way Students CCW Kids Sunday RecapPastor Rick Wright's Update1Way Students CCW Kids Sunday RecapPastor Rick Wright's UpdateCCW Kids Midweek RecapCCW Kids Sunday Recap1Way Students Pastor Rick Wright's UpdateCCW Kids Midweek Recap
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