CCW Kids Midweek Recap
CCW Kids Midweek Recap!
Simple Truth: I Am Made for Community
Theme Verse: “Consider others as more important than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3b)
Theme: Get Connected
Session 2: I Can Help My Friends
Bible Story: Jesus Washed the Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1-20)
CCW Kids Families,
We’re celebrating community this November with our theme Get Connected and teaching kids that God made them for community. In John 13:1-20 we learn about how Jesus washed the feet of His disciples on the same night He would be betrayed. Jesus shocked His disciples by doing such a lowly job, but in doing so, He was teaching them the manner in which we are to love and serve one another—with humility.
Write How Can I Help You? on index cards, sticky notes, or small pieces of paper. Give everyone in your family (adults included) two or three cards. Encourage each other to use the cards at random times during the week. When someone gives you a card, think of a way to invite that person to help you. Teach your kids that community is stronger and better when we help our friends.
Session 2: I Can Help My Friends
Read: John 13
Highlight: John 13:12-15
Reflect: How can you serve and help a friend this week?
Pray: Jesus, You gave me such a great example of what it means to be kind, loving, and helpful to friends. Help me to follow Your example by loving and helping my friends. Amen.
Connect: What are ways you enjoy helping and serving others?
Theme Verse: “Consider others as more important than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3b)
Theme: Get Connected
Session 2: I Can Help My Friends
Bible Story: Jesus Washed the Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1-20)
CCW Kids Families,
We’re celebrating community this November with our theme Get Connected and teaching kids that God made them for community. In John 13:1-20 we learn about how Jesus washed the feet of His disciples on the same night He would be betrayed. Jesus shocked His disciples by doing such a lowly job, but in doing so, He was teaching them the manner in which we are to love and serve one another—with humility.
Write How Can I Help You? on index cards, sticky notes, or small pieces of paper. Give everyone in your family (adults included) two or three cards. Encourage each other to use the cards at random times during the week. When someone gives you a card, think of a way to invite that person to help you. Teach your kids that community is stronger and better when we help our friends.
Session 2: I Can Help My Friends
Read: John 13
Highlight: John 13:12-15
Reflect: How can you serve and help a friend this week?
- Spend time talking and listening to my friend.
- Offer to help in a specific way.
- Speak words of encouragement and affirmation.
Pray: Jesus, You gave me such a great example of what it means to be kind, loving, and helpful to friends. Help me to follow Your example by loving and helping my friends. Amen.
Connect: What are ways you enjoy helping and serving others?
Posted in CCW Kids
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