CCW Kids Midweek Recap

CCW Kids Midweek Recap!

Simple Truth: I Am Forgiven
Theme Verse: “I will forgive their wrongdoing.” (Hebrews 8:12a)
Theme: Switch It Up

Session 3: I Can Ask for Forgiveness
Bible Story: The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-14)

CCW Kids Families,

This October kids are learning the Simple Truth, “I Am Forgiven,” and this week they will learn that we can ask for forgiveness. In Matthew 6:9-14, Jesus taught about prayer through what is often called the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus taught that we pray by talking to God. Not only does God listen, but He responds. So when we pray and ask for forgiveness, we can know that God always says yes!

Host a “YES!” hour, afternoon, or even day with your kids. Allow them to make (reasonable) requests and respond by saying yes every time. Use this as an opportunity to talk about how God always says yes when we ask for forgiveness.

Check out Hyfi At Home for fun family engagement around last week’s Bible story.

Session 3: I Can Ask for Forgiveness

Read: Matthew 6:9-14

Highlight: Matthew 6:10-11a

Reflect: What can you ask God today?
  1. Ask for His will to be done.
  2. Ask for provision and protection.
  3. Ask for forgiveness.

Pray: God, I admit that I need Your love and forgiveness. Today, would You forgive me for my wrong choices? Thank You that I can talk to You every day and thank You for always listening. Amen.

Connect: When is it easy to admit that we make mistakes and when is it difficult? How can remembering that we can always talk to God help when we’ve made mistakes?
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