CCW Kids Midweek Recap
CCW Kids Midweek Recap!
Simple Truth: I Am Forgiven
Theme Verse: “I will forgive their wrongdoing.” (Hebrews 8:12a)
Theme: Switch It Up
Session 1: I Need to Be Forgiven
Bible Story: The Bronze Snake (Numbers 21:4-9)
CCW Kids Families,
This October we are learning the Simple Truth, “I Am Forgiven.” Our Theme is Switch It Up, where we will teach kids that God switches things up when He offers us forgiveness.
This week, kids learned the Bible story of “The Bronze Snake” from Numbers 21:4-9. In this story, God’s people (the Israelites) sinned against God. God punished their sin by sending poisonous snakes. But He also provided a way for them to be healed. We get to teach kids, “I Need to Be Forgiven.” Our sin means we need to be forgiven, but God loves us so much He sent Jesus to rescue us from our sin.
This week, write God loves you and will forgive you on a paper or sticky note. Consider attaching it to a stuffed animal or other toy. When family members make wrong choices, give them the item as a reminder of God’s love. Discuss how, because of our sin, we need forgiveness. But God gives us exactly what we need through Jesus.
Check out Hyfi At Home for fun family engagement around last week’s Bible story.
Session 1: I Need to Be Forgiven
Read: Numbers 21:4-9
Highlight: Numbers 21:8-9
Reflect: How can you look to God today and remember that you need to be forgiven?
Pray: Thank You, God, that You knew my need for forgiveness and provided a way for me to be forgiven through Jesus. This week, help me to focus on You, confess wrongdoings, and ask for Your forgiveness. Amen.
Connect: How would you explain forgiveness to someone?
Theme Verse: “I will forgive their wrongdoing.” (Hebrews 8:12a)
Theme: Switch It Up
Session 1: I Need to Be Forgiven
Bible Story: The Bronze Snake (Numbers 21:4-9)
CCW Kids Families,
This October we are learning the Simple Truth, “I Am Forgiven.” Our Theme is Switch It Up, where we will teach kids that God switches things up when He offers us forgiveness.
This week, kids learned the Bible story of “The Bronze Snake” from Numbers 21:4-9. In this story, God’s people (the Israelites) sinned against God. God punished their sin by sending poisonous snakes. But He also provided a way for them to be healed. We get to teach kids, “I Need to Be Forgiven.” Our sin means we need to be forgiven, but God loves us so much He sent Jesus to rescue us from our sin.
This week, write God loves you and will forgive you on a paper or sticky note. Consider attaching it to a stuffed animal or other toy. When family members make wrong choices, give them the item as a reminder of God’s love. Discuss how, because of our sin, we need forgiveness. But God gives us exactly what we need through Jesus.
Check out Hyfi At Home for fun family engagement around last week’s Bible story.
Session 1: I Need to Be Forgiven
Read: Numbers 21:4-9
Highlight: Numbers 21:8-9
Reflect: How can you look to God today and remember that you need to be forgiven?
- Read John 3:14-17 where Jesus talks about the verses from Numbers 21:4-9.
- Spend time in prayer, confessing sin and asking for forgiveness.
- Share with a friend about how God has and continues to forgive.
Pray: Thank You, God, that You knew my need for forgiveness and provided a way for me to be forgiven through Jesus. This week, help me to focus on You, confess wrongdoings, and ask for Your forgiveness. Amen.
Connect: How would you explain forgiveness to someone?
Posted in CCW Kids
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