CCW Kids Midweek Recap
CCW Kids Midweek Recap!
Simple Truth: I Am Known
Theme Verse: “God is greater than our hearts, and he knows all things.” (1 John 3:20b)
Theme: Real Talk
Session 4: God Knows My Real Fears
Bible Story: Peter Walked on Water (Matthew 14:22-33)
CCW Kids Families,
This week, kids learned that God knows their real fears through the story of Peter walking on water from Matthew 14:22-33. In this Bible story, Peter and the other disciples were caught in a storm while on a sea. Suddenly, Jesus came to them—walking on water! Peter stepped out of the boat and began walking toward Jesus. But when Peter saw the storm raging around him, he grew afraid and began to sink. Jesus reached out, rescued Peter, got into the boat, and calmed the storm. Through this story, we can know that God knows our real fears, and He offers us love and care. God reminds us that He’s always with us, and when we follow Jesus, we can have a relationship with Him.
Using a toothpick dipped in lemon juice, write God knows my real fears on a blank piece of paper. Once it dries, show the paper to your kids (which now looks blank). Then, safely rub over the paper with a heated iron. Slowly, as the paper warms, the message will reveal itself. Talk about how, even though you can’t see God, you can know that He’s always with you. He knows your real fears, and you can remember that He cares for you.
Check out Hyfi At Home for fun family engagement around last week’s Bible story.
Highlight of the Week
Session 4: God Knows My Real Fears
Read: Matthew 14:22-33
Highlight: Matthew 14:30-31
Reflect: What fear can you give to God today?
Pray: God, You know my fears. You ask me to trust that You’re with me and in control. Help me to give my fears to You and trust You, no matter what.
Connect: How have you seen God help you with different fears? His work in your life can be an encouragement to someone else. Who can you tell?
Theme Verse: “God is greater than our hearts, and he knows all things.” (1 John 3:20b)
Theme: Real Talk
Session 4: God Knows My Real Fears
Bible Story: Peter Walked on Water (Matthew 14:22-33)
CCW Kids Families,
This week, kids learned that God knows their real fears through the story of Peter walking on water from Matthew 14:22-33. In this Bible story, Peter and the other disciples were caught in a storm while on a sea. Suddenly, Jesus came to them—walking on water! Peter stepped out of the boat and began walking toward Jesus. But when Peter saw the storm raging around him, he grew afraid and began to sink. Jesus reached out, rescued Peter, got into the boat, and calmed the storm. Through this story, we can know that God knows our real fears, and He offers us love and care. God reminds us that He’s always with us, and when we follow Jesus, we can have a relationship with Him.
Using a toothpick dipped in lemon juice, write God knows my real fears on a blank piece of paper. Once it dries, show the paper to your kids (which now looks blank). Then, safely rub over the paper with a heated iron. Slowly, as the paper warms, the message will reveal itself. Talk about how, even though you can’t see God, you can know that He’s always with you. He knows your real fears, and you can remember that He cares for you.
Check out Hyfi At Home for fun family engagement around last week’s Bible story.
Highlight of the Week
Session 4: God Knows My Real Fears
Read: Matthew 14:22-33
Highlight: Matthew 14:30-31
Reflect: What fear can you give to God today?
- Fear of the future
- Fear of failure
- Fear of not being in control
Pray: God, You know my fears. You ask me to trust that You’re with me and in control. Help me to give my fears to You and trust You, no matter what.
Connect: How have you seen God help you with different fears? His work in your life can be an encouragement to someone else. Who can you tell?
Posted in CCW Kids
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