Pastor Rick Wright's Update
Do you remember your deepest dread, your destitute hour, your darkest adversity? There are 15.2 million people who have lost a spouse in the US, and est. 150 million orphans worldwide. The Bible says in James 1:27, "Pure religion and undefiled is to care for widows and orphans in their time of distress.
It is of utmost urgency that the Church of God be the banner carrier for people who are walking through tremendous stress. It is in the deepest darkness that Light shines brightest. We have the great honor and privilege of displaying Jesus Christ and Contending for the needs of the distressed. Learn from the story of Ruth how God can use you as his vessel to make a difference! Join us this Sunday at 10AM for Pastor Rick's Sermon "Contend for Widows and Orphans."
It is of utmost urgency that the Church of God be the banner carrier for people who are walking through tremendous stress. It is in the deepest darkness that Light shines brightest. We have the great honor and privilege of displaying Jesus Christ and Contending for the needs of the distressed. Learn from the story of Ruth how God can use you as his vessel to make a difference! Join us this Sunday at 10AM for Pastor Rick's Sermon "Contend for Widows and Orphans."
Posted in Church Blog
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