CCW Kids Sunday Recap

 Sin Entered the World (Genesis 2–3)

Dear CCW Kids families,

Genesis 2–3 recounts sin’s entrance into the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience. From the earliest pages of the Old Testament, we are introduced to the gravity of sin and people’s need for redemption––a redemption promised by God through an offspring of Eve. A Rescuer would come to undo the curse of sin and crush the serpent.
How has God provided for His people since the beginning of time, from before the fall of man until this very moment? What evidence do we see of His kindness and care—especially in light of Christ?
God revealed His glory through Eden, a thriving garden where His people’s needs were lovingly met. His beautiful creation was all theirs for the taking with only one exception: “ … you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die” (Genesis 2:17). God's command was not a means to withhold good. Rather, His command was for their good. That is, by obeying Him, they would actually find life.
When faced with the serpent’s lies, Eve failed to believe God's words. She was enticed by the fruit's appearance, the proposition to be like God, and the allurement of obtaining wisdom. She and her husband’s eyes had indeed been opened to the knowledge of good and evil; however, because they disobeyed God’s command, they would now experience sin's consequences and the reality of death.
Despite His people’s disobedience, God sought them in their sin. He provided them with clothing from animal skins to cover their nakedness and shame. However, the sacrifice of this animal was not a once-and-for-all event, but the foreshadowing of a greater death to repair this severed relationship between God and man—Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. God's merciful promise in Genesis 3:15 provides all people with the opportunity to be freed from the curse of sin and find life in Christ. As Romans 5:19 reminds us, "For just as through one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so also through the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous."
While you ponder today's truths, take time to meditate on God’s care for His people—from the beauty of creation to the mercy revealed in Jesus’ sacrifice. Consider God’s provision in redeeming His people and drawing close despite their sin. May you relay His truths clearly to your kids as you also make evident the faith you have in Jesus Christ.
Check out The Gospel Project At Home for resources designed to help you lead a family worship experience as well as suggestions for morning and evening prayer times and family activities. 


This is the main point to emphasize from today’s Bible story.

  • Preschool: Sin is disobeying God. 
  • Kids: Sin is disobeying God and His commands.

This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Babies & Toddlers: God planned to send Jesus to make everything right.
  • Younger Preschool: Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Sin keeps us from God, but God had a plan. Jesus came to earth to die on the cross and come back to life to rescue people from sin.
  • Older Preschool: Adam and Eve did not follow God’s good plan. They sinned by disobeying God’s command. Sin separates people from God, but God had a plan all along. Jesus came to earth as a man to live a sinless life, die on the cross, and rose again to rescue people from sin.
  • Kids: Adam and Eve sinned when they rejected God’s good plan and disobeyed His command. Sin separates people from God, but God didn’t leave them without hope. God sent His Son, Jesus, to live as Adam didn’t—perfectly sinless. God the Son came to earth as a man to rescue people from sin.

This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit. 

  • Younger Preschool: Who is God? God is our Creator and King. 
  • Older Preschool: Who is God? God is our Creator and King. 
  • Kids: Who is God? God is our Creator and the King of everything. 

This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit. 

  • Babies & Toddlers: God made our wonderful world. Psalm 104:24  
  • Younger Preschool: The earth is full of God’s creatures. Psalm 104:24 
  • Older Preschool: How countless are your works, LORD! ... The earth is full of your creatures. Psalm 104:24 
  • Kids: How countless are your works, LORD! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Psalm 104:24 
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