Pastor Rick Wright's Update

We kicked off the new year with a vision statement from God "Stand on the Mountain" which stood for the place where the glory, voice, and touch of God exists. We migrated into How we can Stand and that was with the weapons of warfare from Ephesians 6 in a study called "Armored."
We are living in a time in which the enemy, the Father of lies, has people on every side wondering who is telling the truth, is there actual truth, can anyone or any message be trusted as truth. Now more than ever in the name of the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the church must Contend. We will be peering into the scriptures the next 6 weeks to understand specifically what we as a church should stand for and against. Join us this Sunday as we kickoff the new series "Contend" with Pastor Rick's sermon "Contend for Biblical Marriage."

P.S. Make sure to sign up for Connect Groups today with a group every day, but Saturday we know there is one for you.
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