CCW Kids Sunday Recap

 Paul Was on Trial (Acts 22–23)

Dear CCW Kids families,

In Acts 22–23, Paul must persevere with his trust in Jesus as he faces the dangers prophesied for him in Jerusalem head-on. Though the Jews planned evil against him, God planned it for good, to bring about the message of salvation to those who were waiting to hear it in Rome. 
What was the basis of the Jews’ argument and plot against Paul? How do we see the Lord fulfilling the promises He made to his apostle throughout this passage? 
In our previous session, we learned that the Jews in Jerusalem were angry with Paul for proclaiming a gospel that seemed to make light of Moses’ teachings and law. Additionally, the Jews speculated that he had even allowed Greeks into the temple, thus defiling their holy place. They held the baseless belief that Paul was leading their people further from their long-held views of God and His salvation.  
While Paul had been sent back to the barracks to be kept safe from the mob overnight, the Lord drew near to Him and called for him to have courage. Just as Paul had preached the good news of the gospel in Jerusalem, so, too, was he commissioned to do the same in Rome. All Paul could do was faithfully trust the God who had brought him thus far. 
Reflect on the perseverance of Paul despite all the false allegations, mistreatment, and injustice he faced in today’s passage. Through it all, he remained steadfast, steadied by his trust in the God who conquered death and gave him nothing to fear. Pray for the boys and girls in your group, that they, too, would experience the comfort that comes with entrusting all we are to the God who reigns. 
Check out The Gospel Project At Home for resources designed to help you lead a family worship experience as well as suggestions for morning and evening prayer times and family activities.

This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Babies & Toddlers: We can obey God because God loves us and takes care of us. 
  • Younger Preschool: Even when others wanted to hurt Paul, Paul trusted God. We can obey God no matter what because we know God loves us and takes care of us. 
  • Older Preschool: Even when others wanted to hurt Paul, Paul trusted God. God showed His love for the world by sending Jesus, and Paul believed God would use these hard times to help Paul get to Rome. Like Paul, we can obey God no matter what because we know God loves us and takes care of us. 
  • Kids: Paul trusted God and believed that God, who showed His love for the world by sending His Son to die on the cross and rise again, would use the danger Paul faced to get Paul to Rome. We too can risk everything to share the gospel with courage because we know that God loves us and will care for us. 

This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Younger Preschool: Why should we praise Jesus? We should praise Jesus for all He has done for us. 
  • Older Preschool: Why should we praise Jesus? We should praise Jesus for all He has done for us. 
  • Kids: Why should we praise Jesus? We should praise Jesus for what He has done to provide our salvation and also because He is returning one day to make all things right. 

This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Babies & Toddlers: Lord, I will praise Your name. Isaiah 25:1 
  • Younger Preschool: Lord, I will praise Your name. Isaiah 25:1 
  • Older Preschool: LORD, you are my God; … I will praise your name, for you have accomplished wonders. Isaiah 25:1 
  • Kids: LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you. I will praise your name, for you have accomplished wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness. Isaiah 25:1 
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