CCW Kids Midweek Recap
CCW Kids Midweek Recap!
Session 1: We Can Tell the World
Bible Story: Jesus Said, “Go” (Matthew 28)
CCW Kids Families,
As we begin the month, we are going to share the Simple Truth, “I Am Here to Share Jesus” through the Bible story of the Great Commission in Matthew 28. This week kids learned that, in sharing Jesus, we can tell the world about Him! The love and life found in Jesus is good news for everyone everywhere, and we are called to share Him!
Have fun this week learning how to say, “Hello!” in different languages. Pick a different language every day. Use this activity to talk about how, when we learn about other countries and people—including how to speak in their languages—it can help us be able to share Jesus all around the world!
Simple Truth: I Am Here to Share Jesus
Theme Verse: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19a)
Theme: Amp It Up
Bible Story: Jesus Said, “Go” (Matthew 28)
CCW Kids Families,
As we begin the month, we are going to share the Simple Truth, “I Am Here to Share Jesus” through the Bible story of the Great Commission in Matthew 28. This week kids learned that, in sharing Jesus, we can tell the world about Him! The love and life found in Jesus is good news for everyone everywhere, and we are called to share Him!
Have fun this week learning how to say, “Hello!” in different languages. Pick a different language every day. Use this activity to talk about how, when we learn about other countries and people—including how to speak in their languages—it can help us be able to share Jesus all around the world!
Simple Truth: I Am Here to Share Jesus
Theme Verse: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19a)
Theme: Amp It Up
Posted in CCW Kids
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