Pastor Rick's Blog 06/22/2023
CCW Weekly Update
I hope this finds you enjoying the month of June! As a church, we have already seen a great work of God in our kid and teen camps, and our summer day camps are also running smoothly.
We are jumping into a study this week on how to be a "can't help it Christian."
In Acts 4, threatened and told to stop sharing Jesus, the disciples had a very simple answer: "We can't stop!" They had seen and heard things that were impossible not to tell. When people hear and then experience Jesus's presence and power in their lives, they get "the can't help its." At CCW, we hope to be a church full of "can't help it Christians." Join us this Sunday at 10 AM.
If you haven't visited CCW, we'd love to have you! You're welcome anytime, but you can also schedule a visit, so we'll be looking for you!
I hope this finds you enjoying the month of June! As a church, we have already seen a great work of God in our kid and teen camps, and our summer day camps are also running smoothly.
We are jumping into a study this week on how to be a "can't help it Christian."
In Acts 4, threatened and told to stop sharing Jesus, the disciples had a very simple answer: "We can't stop!" They had seen and heard things that were impossible not to tell. When people hear and then experience Jesus's presence and power in their lives, they get "the can't help its." At CCW, we hope to be a church full of "can't help it Christians." Join us this Sunday at 10 AM.
If you haven't visited CCW, we'd love to have you! You're welcome anytime, but you can also schedule a visit, so we'll be looking for you!
CCW Kids Sunday RecapPastor Rick Wright's UpdateDay 1Day 2CCW Kids Sunday RecapDay 3Day 41Way Students Day 5Pastor Rick Wright's UpdateDay 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10CCW Kids Sunday RecapDay 111Way Students Day 12Pastor Rick Wright's UpdateCCW Kids Midweek RecapDay 13Day 14Day 15CCW Kids Sunday Recap1Way StudentsDay 16Day 17Day 18Pastor Rick Wright's UpdateDay 19Day 20Day 21CCW Kids Sunday Recap1Way Students
CCW Kids Midweek Recap1Way Students CCW Kids Sunday RecapPastor Rick Wright's UpdatePastor Rick Wright's UpdateCCW Kids Midweek Recap1Way Students CCW Kids Sunday RecapPastor Rick Wright's Update1Way Students CCW Kids Sunday RecapPastor Rick Wright's UpdateCCW Kids Midweek RecapCCW Kids Sunday Recap1Way Students Pastor Rick Wright's UpdateCCW Kids Midweek Recap
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