Pastor Rick's Blog 06/01/2023
CCW Weekly Update
Our Christian identity means we should look, talk, think, and act differently. It’s all about what we choose to wear — and that has nothing to do with designer brands or fabric blends. Paul instructs the Colossians — and by extension, us — to put on the clothes of: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Take a moment to look and pray over that list. Does it describe you? As a parent, spouse, worker, or friend? Clothing is great imagery because we can easily understand that while we may not naturally be or feel some of these traits we can choose to, like clothes, put them on. As we get rooted deeper in Christ we become more and more clothed like Christ.
If you haven't visited CCW, we'd love to have you! You're welcome anytime, but you can also schedule a visit, so we'll be looking for you!
Our Christian identity means we should look, talk, think, and act differently. It’s all about what we choose to wear — and that has nothing to do with designer brands or fabric blends. Paul instructs the Colossians — and by extension, us — to put on the clothes of: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Take a moment to look and pray over that list. Does it describe you? As a parent, spouse, worker, or friend? Clothing is great imagery because we can easily understand that while we may not naturally be or feel some of these traits we can choose to, like clothes, put them on. As we get rooted deeper in Christ we become more and more clothed like Christ.
If you haven't visited CCW, we'd love to have you! You're welcome anytime, but you can also schedule a visit, so we'll be looking for you!
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CCW Kids Midweek Recap1Way Students CCW Kids Sunday RecapPastor Rick Wright's UpdatePastor Rick Wright's UpdateCCW Kids Midweek Recap1Way Students CCW Kids Sunday RecapPastor Rick Wright's Update1Way Students CCW Kids Sunday RecapPastor Rick Wright's UpdateCCW Kids Midweek RecapCCW Kids Sunday Recap1Way Students Pastor Rick Wright's UpdateCCW Kids Midweek Recap
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