Pastor Rick's blog 11/03/2022

CCW Weekly Update
What a great Harvest Jam and Friend Day weekend we had - all things considered we ministered to nearly 1,800 people! Thank you so much for praying, providing, and participating. It is so much fun to be a part of this very special CCW family!

We left Jonah running into a storm, being thrown overboard into the sea and into the mouth of a great fish! We are going to look at what happens after 3 days and 3 nights in that storm! When you feel trapped in a storm, how do you get out? This week Pastor Rick's sermon is entitled "Running Out of the Storm."

This Sunday is a special Upward Soccer Appreciation Sunday. God has done such an amazing work through the Upward ministry!  All the kids (Kindergarten-5th grade) will join us in service as we have invited all of the Upward Soccer players and their families to visit CCW this Sunday!

Sunday School is available for adults. Find your place at 8:45 a.m.!  The elementary age children are in Children's Church and the nursery is open at 9:45 a.m.

If you haven't visited CCW, we'd love to have you!  You're welcome anytime, but you can also schedule a visit, so we'll be looking for you!

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