Pastor Rick's blog 06/02/2022

CCW Weekly Update

Have you ever felt tricked?  Paul says, “Who has bewitched you…?” (Galatians 3:1) Throughout the ages, legalism has been a ploy of Satan to bewitch God's people into realm of "Grace Plus.” Legalism is a congregational killer!  We are reminded that to "rely on works of the law" isn't a roadway to righteousness, but to a curse.  The law is not freedom, but it points us to our need for Jesus Christ’s grace alone for freedom.  Join us as we continue our sermon series Of Life and Liberty - Freedom from Legalism.

Reminder VBS starts Sunday night!

Sunday School is available for adults and children.  Find your place at 8:45!  The elementary age children are in Children's Church and the nursery is open.

If you haven't visited CCW, we'd love to have you!  Click on the I'm New Here button below for more information.  You're welcome anytime, but you can also schedule a visit, so we'll be looking for you!

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