Pastor Danny's Blog 09/30/2021

CCW Weekly Update
Investing in Eternity is our sermon series through the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. We continue this week with the fourth Beatitude "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled”.  To have a starving spirit is a real hunger and starvation of the soul. It is a parched and dying thirst.  It is a spirit that craves after righteousness. The true believer is starved and parched for all righteousness not just for little nibbles. This is so very significant, meaning that the promise of a filled or satisfied life is conditional. A person must starve and thirst for all righteousness if he wishes to exchange personal emptiness for the fullness of Christ.  Join us this Sunday to see how we can have this blessed satisfaction.  Don't miss it.  We continue to make sure that we meet in a super clean, and sanitized building.  Sunday School is available for adults and children.  Find your place at 8:45!  The elementary age children are in Children's Church and the nursery is open.

If you haven't visited CCW, we'd love to have you!  Click on the I'm New Here button below for more information.  You're welcome anytime, but you can also schedule a visit, so we'll be looking for you!

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