Pastor Danny Lovett's Weekly Blog 1/21/2021

Dear Church Family,
We continue this Sunday with part 2 of “God Will Do It Again and Our Family Gets to See It!"  The most important goal for parents is to raise their children in God’s will and for His glory.  The task of raising children is one of the highest importance with eternal consequences.  Creating a godly home for your children should be your highest priority of all of your earthly ministries.  When everything else in life is weighed and considered in the light of what is truly important; there is no greater ministry than that of discipling your children for Christ.  Your children are your greatest investment in the future. The Bible is clear when it reminds us that children are a precious gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3-5). This Sunday, we'll look closely at Parenting by the Book from Deuteronomy 6:1-9.I know you're weary of the 2020 masks and social distancing, we're taking great care to make sure that we meet in a super clean, and sanitized building.  Sunday School is available for adults and children.  Find your place at 8:45!  The elementary age children are in Children's Church and the nursery is open.  Many of the online ministry opportunities will continue to be available to you.  Check the church website for links.  It's awesome!

For your convenience, here are the instructions for joining us LIVE online.  Join us.    
  • To watch the services online, connect shortly before 10 am Sunday mornings to the CCW Facebook page:      OR     use the CCW app on your smart phone.
  • To give, connect to the website's giving page:
  • If you need help or prayer, call us, we are just a phone call away.  
We can't wait to see you in 2021!
Jesus is Awesome!
Pastor Danny Lovett

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