Danny Lovett\'s Weekly Blog 2/14/2020

Dear Church Family,

This Sunday, we begin our new series on Everyday Christianity:  How to Live out Your Faith.    Pastor Rick will kick us off with a message focused on Everyday Christianity in the the Schools.  Students, parents, teachers, and everyone who cares about the next generation will want to come with a heart prepared to hear from God's word and Rick's years of experience in student ministry.

I hope each one of you know how very dear you are to the heart of God.  Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced, or Looking, your most satisfying and eternal love will always be found in relationship with your heavenly Father and our precious Savior, Jesus Christ.  He is the perfect lover of our soul!   Happy Valentine's Day! For God so loved YOU that he gave his only Son that when YOU believed in him, YOU could be saved and have eternal life!  John 3:16.

For our Fellowship Meal,  we'll be sharing roasted herbed chicken, cornbread dressing, and mashed potatoes with gravy.  Bring your favorite side dishes to share Sunday. This is a great time to introduce yourself to someone and invite them to sit with you so you can chat over lunch.  Thank you for pitching in and helping with the set up of the tables and chairs, the serving of the food and the clean up. Many hands make light work!

Join CCW early every Sunday morning for Bible study at 8:45 am.  
I can't wait to see you Sunday!  
Jesus is Awesome!

Pastor Danny Lovett

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