Danny Lovett\'s Weekly Blog 2/8/2020

Dear Church Family,

This Sunday, we will be looking at our last Core Value - Fulfilling Service. Last week we learned that we are Living Stones being built together into a spiritual house - 1 Peter 2:4.  We all are part of a construction project working together as co-laborers - 1Corinthians 3:9.  We all have a ministry that we must fulfill in building God’s house. Ministry is an act of service given in Jesus’ name.  That’s why everyone's ministry is so important.  Taking people like you and me,  finding out what our gifts are, and offering ourselves into service and circulation in the body of Christ. This Sunday we will look at why every Christian should use their gifts for ministry.

As I write this message to you, our mission team to Honduras has begun their work.  Remember them in prayer as they labor, share, pray, witness and share the love of Jesus with the people of Honduras.  CCW is all about serving at home and abroad.  What would God have you to do?

For our Fellowship Meal,  the majority of our kitchen crew is in Honduras, so it's Crock Pot Sunday!  Calling all cooks, we need you to share your favorite crock pot recipe!  Bring your best soup, chili, or stew to share Sunday.  We're counting on you to bring enough for our members and guests.  The church will be providing ham sandwiches and cornbread to go with your delicious soup!  This is a great time to introduce yourself to someone and invite them to sit with you so you can chat over lunch.  Thank you for pitching in and helping with the set up of the tables and chairs, the serving of the food and the clean up. Many hands make light work!

Join CCW early every Sunday morning for Bible study at 8:45 am.  
I can't wait to see you Sunday!  
Jesus is Awesome!

Pastor Danny Lovett

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