Danny Lovett\'s Weekly Blog 1/21/2020

Dear Church Family,

Loving one another through Intimate Fellowship is a core value at CCW. We know the story of John 13 well. It’s the last evening that our Lord spends with the disciples before the Garden of Gethsemane, before the cross. And as Jesus is spending time with those disciples, we see Jesus talking about this incredible love that we are to have for one another. He said that we must love one other just as He loved us.  If we love each other, everyone will know that we are His disciples (John 13:34-35). This Sunday we will look at what we must do to love as Jesus loved.

Continue praying.  As a church body, we've set aside January 15-31, for Prayer and Fasting.  We have so much to pray for...  
      a building project on the new land, we need God's guidance, providence, provision, favor and protection.        a mission to build up the living body of believers (the church, not a building), we need everyone to participate and exercise their gifts for the building up of the body.

      God's Spirit to fill us so we walk by faith, in his power, in his love, according to the truth of the Word.

      holy boldness and compassion to share the good news of Jesus.  

For our Fellowship Meal, we will share Teriyaki Chicken, Chicken Nuggets, Fried Rice, Garlic Noodles, and Asian Salad.  Bring your favorite side dish to share!  This is a great time to introduce yourself to someone and invite them to sit with you so you can chat over lunch.  Thank you for pitching in and helping with the set up of the tables and chairs, the serving of the food and the clean up. Many hands make light work!

Join CCW early every Sunday morning for Bible study at 8:45 am.  
I can't wait to see you Sunday!  
Jesus is Awesome!

Pastor Danny Lovett

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