Power through the Word
Jul 1, 2018 • Dr. Danny Lovett
When the apostle John called Christ, the Word or the Logos, in John 1:1; 1 John 1:1; and Revelation 19:13, he used a term that had great significance in the Greek culture of the Mediterranean world. In their society with many gods, the god who created the world was above all the rest. Since John was clearly giving Jesus credit in creating the world, he was proclaiming Jesus to be the most high God. Jews, however, used Logos as a way to refer to God. So when John used the word Logos he caught the attention of both Greeks and Jews, saying that the Logos was indeed divine, but was also a person - Jesus of Nazareth. This Sunday we will look at how the Spirit of God, working through the Word of God, brings revival to God’s people.