The Sword of the Spirit (Pt 2)

Jun 17, 2018    Dr. Danny Lovett

This Sunday we will continue with part two of the message, The Sword of the Spirit. Because the spiritual battle is real, we need to learn how to use the sword. All Christians possesses it. We have God’s Word and the Holy Spirit of God. Together these make the Bible our offensive weapon against the enemy. The only question is -- Do we know how to use it? This depends on how diligently we study the Word of God. The apostle Paul spent three years in Ephesus and said, “I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). Why? He wanted to teach them how to use the sword. He wanted them to be able to use the Word effectively. This Sunday we will look at how we can be effective in using the Sword of God.