The Sword of the Spirit (Pt 1)
Jun 10, 2018 • Dr. Danny Lovett
The last piece of the Christian’s armor is the Sword of the Spirit. Paul expresses what is needed for the believer to overcome Satan and his hosts when he says to take “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”, Ephesians 6:17.
One old saint said the Bible is “an armory of heavenly weapons, a laboratory of infallible medicines, a mine of exhaustless wealth. It is a guidebook for every road, a chart for every sea, a medicine for every sickness, a balm for every wound. Rob us of our Bible, and our sky has lost its sun.” May we all have this same opinion about the Word of God! Don't miss this Sunday as we will look at the only offensive weapon in the Armour of God. We must use to defeat Satan.