Possessing Confidence and Assurance

Jun 7, 2015    Dr. Danny Lovett    Living the Risen Life

You will never be any better, wiser, or happier than the thoughts that influence you. You might say "Pastor Danny, I can't help it, these thoughts just come into my mind." But, we can help it!

"The weapons we fight with have divine power to demolish strongholds, we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2Corinthians 10:5).

A stronghold is a thought pattern that controls you. It could be fear, greed, inferiority, lust, etc. It is a "stronghold" because it holds you strongly in its grip. How do we break that grip? This Sunday we will be looking at Colossians 2:2-7, which will give us understanding on how to break these strongholds by training our minds. God's word teaches us how to do this. Don't miss this life changing truth.