Paul's Burden for the Church

May 31, 2015    Dr. Danny Lovett    Living the Risen Life

This Sunday we will be looking at Paul's Burden for The Church. The reason Paul loved the church with such intensity and devotion was because of the deep love that he had for Christ. II Corinthians 5:14 says that "the love of Christ compels", motivates me. When you love the Lord, you love those that He loves. It was this motivation that made Paul purify his life, preach with power, act with sympathy, and apply his mind to the things of God. These traits were simply by-products of his deep love for Christ and His church.

Let me just say to all of us, as Christians, we will never serve God well with any kind of motivation other than outright and total love for the church. It's absolutely necessary! The things Paul wanted the Colossians to experience are not just for the Colossian church, but for every church, and every Christian. Don't miss these important truths that can make us the church God wants us to be.