The Great Convictions of a Great Christian - Part 2
Life has but one great goal for the Christian, and that is to find God’s will for their life and do it. In Colossians, Paul’s life work, his profession, was exactly what God wanted him to do. He followed the will of God for his life. Paul did not choose his life’s work, for he did not want to make a mistake. He did not want to waste his life. To Paul, there was but one work or profession: the job God wanted him to do. The profession he wanted did not matter; only God’s will for his life mattered.
There is only one profession for any believer: the work God wants him to do. God has put every believer upon earth for a specific task. Jesus says “If any man will do his will, he shall know the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether it be of man. (John 7:17). Don’t miss this Sunday as we look at The Great Pillars of The Christian Life, as we continue our study in Colossians.