The Precious Stone

Mar 24, 2019    Dr. Danny Lovett

Peter was a strong, impulsive fisherman, yet when he met Jesus, he bowed to his Lord. In his later years, when he wrote this letter of encouragement to the believers, he spoke of love, hope, humility, and our precious Jesus. This week's message is The Precious Stone from I Peter 2:4-7. In this passage we are reminded of how precious our Savior is and in turn how precious our lives are because of Him. We have a holy purpose. The Lord is special to Christians, and we are special to the Lord. He has a specific plan for each of us that will bring glory to Him, that will bless our lives, and will benefit others that put their faith in Him. Peter reminds us where we came from, where we are right now, and where we are going if we know the Lord Jesus. He is building us up into a spiritual house. Don't miss Sunday as we look at the preciousness of Christ and our purpose which is precious.