Living the Good Life

May 5, 2019    Dr. Danny Lovett

One of the crucial factors involved in the maturing process of the Christian is the issue of the believer’s relationship with others Christians. If we can learn to get along with other Christians, and be patient when other believers are a pain, then he or she will grow and go forward for Christ and live The Good Life, which is the title of the message Sunday morning. If a Christian can’t deal with the fallacy, faults, failures, and frustrations that are created by other believers, he will become hurt, bitter, discouraged, and disillusioned with Christians, the church, the Bible, and the Lord. He will most likely follow the path that many have trod and get out of church. Join us and we take a close look at how to avoid the pitfalls, so we can continue in the way of The Good Life! May we be an example to others of how to navigate this life without stumbling and falling away.