Conflict in the Church

Jun 26, 2016    Dr. Danny Lovett    James 4

We all know that churches are not perfect places. It only makes sense because they are filled with very imperfect people. But when we participate in the ways of the world, we invite conflict into the church. Why? Because the things of the world are not the things of God and these polar opposites create conflict and division. Remember last week in James 3:17-18, where James described the wisdom of the world and its by-products which are earthly, sensual, and demonic? It follows that when this kind of thinking and actions are set loose in the church, it will bring about all the evil results that James tells us about in James 4:1-12. Don't be caught off guard by the strategies of the devil. If he can't beat us, he wants to join us by bringing his mischief into the church. Don't miss the message this Sunday, "What Causes Conflict in The Church".