Money Talks

Jul 24, 2016    Dr. Danny Lovett    James 5

"If money talks," said a popular comedian, "all it ever says to me is good-bye!" But money was not saying "good-bye" to the men James addressed in this fifth chapter of his letter. These men were rich, and their riches were being used for selfish purposes, as well as persecuting the poor in the process. James did not say it was sinful to be rich. After all, Abraham was a wealthy man, yet he walked with God, and was greatly used of God to bless the whole world. James was very concerned about how they were using their wealth, and advised them to "weep and howl." A judgement day is coming, and we will give an account of how we used our money. This Sunday we will look at the three exhortations James gave to the wealthy about their wealth. The principles apply to all of us, whether we are poor, struggling to make ends meet, comfortable, or wealthy.