Spiritual Victory

Nov 27, 2016    Dr. Danny Lovett

As we look forward to the next chapter in Joshua, think about this…

Is it possible to go through life victoriously? To avoid discouragement and defeat? Are you caught up in the whirlwind of peaks and valleys, of being up and down? If so, there is the most wonderful news: a victorious life is possible! A person can conquer and triumph throughout life. All the enemies that seek to defeat and destroy mankind can be overcome. Victory is found in God, found in His love and care, in His presence and power that is available to us.

One lesson that we must learn: victory is in God and in God alone. This was the lesson that Joshua and the Israelites had to learn. There was a victorious life over all the enemies that sought to defeat and destroy them. But there was a price to pay for victory. The Israelites had to act, take certain steps to achieve victory over their enemies. They could not just sit back and let God fight their battles for them. God had promised to be with them and to empower them, but they had to actually march forth and fight the battle. This Sunday we will see the steps to take so we can march forward as conquerors over our enemies just like Joshua and the Israelites did.