Are you ready to claim your Canaan?

Oct 9, 2016    Dr. Danny Lovett    Joshua

Groundwork has to be laid and strategies have to be planned in order to engage in war. But there is one preparation that is far too often overlooked: spiritual preparation. The Israelites were about to march into war, seeking to drive out the enemies of the promise land. Would they be victorious or would they be defeated? For the Israelites, the answer would be found in one word, preparation, spiritual preparation. The Israelites were the people of God, the people chosen to inherit the promise land and to be witnesses of God to the whole world. It was through the Israelites that God was to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to save the world. Because of this, the most important preparation God's people could make was the preparation of their spirit in their commitment to God. They would be victorious if they followed God wholeheartedly. But, if they turned away from God and disobeyed His holy commandments, they would be defeated and lose the promised land. There was much at stake. There still is! For this reason, spiritual preparation is absolutely essential. This Sunday we will look at the spiritual preparation that was necessary for Israel to be victorious. We will see how this applies to us as well in our battles of life.