Wise Men Still Seek Him

Dec 21, 2014    Dr. Danny Lovett

The Bible is full of examples of wisdom and wise people. Enoch and Noah were wise enough to walk with God in their day while the rest of the world perished because they rebelled against God. David was wise enough to understand that “The Lord is my shepherd.” Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived and Israel lived in peace under his reign. Mary, the sister of Martha, was wise enough to choose the most important thing as she sat at Jesus’ feet. Then, there are the wise men, who came to worship the Lord Jesus when He was just a child.

Just as the Bible is full of stories of wise people, there are still wise people in our world today. It’s a common sight at Christmas to see signs displayed that say, “Wise Men Still Seek Him. ” How true this is! Jesus came to seek and save the lost. When we respond and seek Him with our whole hearts, we’ll find Him. The wise men followed the light that led them to Jesus. When they saw Jesus, face-to-face, their lives were changed forever . This can happen to us too. Seeking and finding Jesus will change your life. Come early this Sunday and let me tell you about it!