The Great Revival in the Tribulation
The Great Tribulation was referred to in the Old Testament as the "time of trouble," Jeremiah 30:7. Two things will happen to Israel during the Tribulation: 1) Israel will be disciplined for her rejection of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and 2) Jews will be prepared to receive their Messiah "whom they pierced," Zechariah 12:10. In Revelation 7, we have the evidence of a great revival which will come to the earth and be centered around the nation Israel. It's easy to think that the Tribulation period is going to be nothing but darkness and horror on earth. But like so many other dark days on planet earth, with God, there is always light. In fact, God releases 144,000 points of light to roam the earth and preach the good news. This Sunday we will see this great revival.