Influencing our Community
This Sunday, we will be starting our Core Values sermon series. We'll begin by looking at the foundation for these core values which is our vision and mission. The vision statement for CCW is to be a gospel-centered, community church for all generations. You've often heard us say that our purpose is to "Share the good news with every generation". Our mission is to have a great commitment to a great commandment. We want to love people, love God, and to serve the community at home and abroad. So how can we influence our community? We must be Salt and Light, just as Jesus commanded. Salt is no good if it stays in a salt shaker and Light is no good if it is never turned on. To be effective, Salt and Light must be used. The same is true of us, as Christians. We must be of use at home, at work, at school, and everywhere we are. In Jesus’ prayer the night before His crucifixion, He said He brought glory to God the Father by completing the work the Father gave Him to do (John 17:4). Then, He prayed in John 17:18, that just as "you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world". We have a mission, just as Jesus did, to bring glory and honor to God by finishing the work God has sent us to do. We must be Salt and Light.