A gift worth understanding

Dec 22, 2019    Dr. Danny Lovett

Christmas is almost here! What a special time of worship and giving we'll share as we focus on the manger and join the wise men in bringing our gifts to Jesus! Make a special effort to be with us this Christmas celebration Sunday!

You won't want to miss the message, A Gift Worth Giving. The writer of Hebrews 2 does a better job than any other New Testament writer in helping us to understand why God became flesh. We celebrate Christmas, because Jesus, God's Son, took on a human body and was born as a baby in Bethlehem. This passage of Scripture helps us to understand the humanity of Christ. and the fact that you and I, fallen mankind, needed a bridge or mediator between ourselves and a holy, righteous God. Jesus was appointed by God the Father to come into this world. This Sunday we will look at four reasons why God gave the greatest gift of Jesus to this world.