A New Start

Jan 1, 2017    Dr. Danny Lovett    Philippians 2

What is the purpose of the Christian Life? Why am I here? What is the meaning of my life? What is my purpose? Why was I born? These are questions asked by many, both young and old. For the Christian, there are answers to these questions. Every Christian has a definite purpose and meaning for life revealed to us in the Bible. So what is our life's purpose?

This Sunday, on the first day of 2017, we will begin a new series of Bible messages entitled Working Out Our Salvation. We will see how Christianity is lived out practically in our everyday lives. We begin with a look at our purpose. What is the Purpose of the Christian life? Often people spend some time reflecting on the year that has past and the potential of the year ahead. As you think about this, spend some time seeking God's plan for you in 2017.